To let you know where The Golf Travel Guru stands: Yes, I love the first sip of an ice cold beer after mowing the lawn. Yes, I also relish the initial sip of beer that’s been sitting in an ice chest all night before a football game tailgate. Make no mistake, though, nothing beats...
Golf Resort ReviewGolf TravelGolf Vacationsnew golf coursesThe Golf Travel Guru YoutubeWhat's New in Golf
New Little Sandy Short Course at Omni Amelia Island Resort

There used to be a time – not too long ago – when par-three and short courses barely garnered more respect than miniature courses with dragon mouths and mammoth turf covered ant hills. Not anymore. That was then, this is now. A proliferation of superb short courses like The Cradle at Pinehurst, Top of...
Most Watched Youtube Videos: The Golf Travel Guru

I’ve got lots of epic vids on The Golf Travel Guru Youtube Channel and these are five that attracted the most eyeballs: