Golf is a difficult game to play and it’s made even tougher when you run into one of these guys: 1. Temper Tantrum Guy Uh oh, not another snowman for this guy. You know he’s going to gun the golf cart and screech up to the next tee. Thoroughly pissed off, he speeds up his swing...
10 Most Maddening Golf Walker Guys
Walking on the golf course has become increasingly popular because of Covid-19 precautions and other factors. Beware, however, of certain golfer guys that will annoy the heck out of you. 1. Staff Bag Guy He won the staff bag in an incentive sales contest with his company and he’s damn sure gonna use it,...
10 Amazing Golf Superstitions and Quirky Situations
The Guru has teed it up around the world with all sorts of golfers. There are, of course, differences in golf courses, cultural attitudes and drink choices at the 19th hole. (I love a chilled Vinho Verde wine in Portugal and a frosty Tsingtao in China after a round). One thing that seems to...
Top 10 Most Irritating Golfer Guys
Golf is a fun and challenging game unless, of course, you’re stuck playing with one of these guys: 1. Ball retriever guy--This guy is out to find Pro V’s. If there’s lots of water on the course, get ready, because this entrepreneur of the links is going to pull out the ol’ fifteenth club...