You gotta see it to believe, right? If a picture tells a thousand words, then a video tells much more. The Golf Travel Guru has launched a new Youtube channel, The Golf Travel Guru T.V., where you can see phenomenal footage of great golf courses, resorts and other golf related entities. I cordially invite...
10 Annoying Golf Televison Cliches
Like most golfers, I watch lots of golf on television. I’ll even watch tournaments with the insufferable Chris Berman at the mike, so you know I’m either dedicated or nuts. Regardless of who’s at the microphone, the instant a golf telecast starts, the cliches start rattling off faster than balls flying off mats by...
My Most Memorable Golf Experiences Part I

Before I get started, please understand this list is NOT a golf ranking, which is a staple with many blogs, websites, magazines and newsletters. I consider most rankings too unscientific and marketing driven and essentially worthless. Months or years after a round, however, most players remember the total experience, not just the course. Oftentimes,...